blogging books

Are you looking for the best blogging books for bloggers? Further in this article, I will list the top 19 for you to review. You will no longer need to seek an answer to, “What are the best books for bloggers?”

To write, you must read. You cannot replace this requirement with anything. Reading builds knowledge, and a writer’s experience is important for understanding different world perspectives.

If you are a new or aspiring blogger, this article will be helpful for you.

Here is a summary of the 19 best books for bloggers.

19 Best Blogging Books for Bloggers

  1. Atomic Habits
  2. How to Blog for Profit
  3. Write Blog Posts Readers Love
  4. Content Inc.
  5. Virtual Freedom
  6. Talk Triggers
  7. The Habits of Highly Successful Bloggers
  8. Influencer
  9. The One Hour Content Plan
  10. Email Marketing That Does Not Suck
  11. WordPress for Beginners
  12. ProBlogger
  13. Building a StoryBrand
  14. One Million Followers
  15. Fire The Haters
  16. Bird By Bird
  17. Everyone Writes
  18. SEO 2021
  19. From Nothing

1. Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits by James Clear
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In any profession, building good habits helps lead a productive lifestyle. Therefore, James Clear’s Atomic Habits is a book everyone should read, including bloggers.

Blogging requires detailed research, good sentence syntax, and patience. It is a task that requires thinking which demands time.

Fearing the time and effort it will take to write a blog post, writers frequently postpone the starting process, which delays the entire writing process. This can be avoided with a small change in habit. Atomic Habits is one of the most popular and loved books on lifestyle change. One reader stated, “This is the only book on “habits” you should read.” Atomic Habits has a score of 4.38 stars out of 5, rated by 32216 readers on Goodreads.

Learn more or buy here.

2. How To Blog For Profit Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup

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The book is written by the founder of Living Well Spending Less, one of the most popular blogs in personal finance, which brings over a million visitors every month.

This book focuses on how to make a profit with blogging as a source of income. Soukup speaks on increasing website traffic, shares practical tips and trade secrets that work for her blog, guides how to write great content, and gives suggestions on how to monetize your blog.

This book is recommended for both beginners and experienced blogging professionals. The book has a rating of 4.07 stars out of 5 on Goodreads. A reader commented, “This book is like an outline for disorganized people such as myself. It gives a concise instruction manual on how to make a profitable blog.”

The book is listed on Amazon, from where you can buy.

3. Write Blog Posts Readers Love by Henri Junttila

Write Blog Posts Readers Love by Henri Junttila
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This book is not popular but loved by those who have read it. The book is written by Henri Junttila who owns a blog named Wake Up Cloud.

Regardless of the different genres, readers love books that are easy to read and easily comprehensible.

As a blogger, this book will help in blog post writing. You can expect a step-by-step blueprint for writing blogs, proven blog templates, and ways to search for new blog post ideas. You will also learn how to write at a faster pace without compromising the quality of your blog.

One of its readers rated this book 5 stars and said, “This has been the best book I’ve read so far regarding the subject of writing. Each chapter was short and direct.”

On Goodreads, this book has been given 4.17 stars out of 5 by 35 readers. You can purchase the book on Amazon.

4. Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi, the author of Content Inc., is a content marketing speaker, author, and entrepreneur and is also known to be the godfather of content marketing. He is also the founder of the Content Marketing Institute.

This book will teach you how to build your audience and develop what you’re selling, making it a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to build their empires.

Reading this book will give you access to Joe’s insights, secrets, and techniques that may work in your favor.

The book has received a 3.99-star rating by 139 readers on Goodreads and has a 4.7 star score out of 5 given by 189 readers on Amazon. One reader states, “If you do anything with content, even if you don’t, read this book!”

You can purchase Content Inc. here.

5. Virtual Freedom by Chris Ducker

Virtual Freedom by Chris Ducker
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If you have a lot of work and don’t want to delegate work, it’s time to read Virtual Freedom to overcome superhero syndrome and let people help you.

The book has a decent rating of 3.88 stars from 77 readers on Goodreads and 4.7 stars from 696 readers on Amazon. A reader wrote, “Great book on productivity for solopreneurs and entrepreneurs in very early stages of a startup.”

6. Talk Triggers by Jay Baer

Talk Triggers by Jay Baer
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Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin are co-authors of the book. Talk Triggers is about word-of-mouth marketing. According to the authors, word of mouth is key, as people trust feedback from friends and family.

Ask yourself, don’t you feel the need to watch a web show or movie if your friends have recommended it to you? But not everyone is willing to or is an expert at unlocking the potential word-of-mouth marketing has.

This book is about real case studies and their business transformation stories. It discusses strategies that spark customer conversation and starts a chain of recommendations.

You can learn about the tools and tips to implement the same for your blogging site. A reader wrote, “This book is a must-have for any marketer with a genuine desire to contribute towards growth.” On Amazon, Talk Triggers is rated 4.6 rated out of 5 stars given by 127 readers.

7. The Habits Of Highly Successful Bloggers by Ryan Robinson

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I know, another book on habits. I included this book on the list because it talks about the habits bloggers should have to succeed in their writing job. The author runs a blog that earns him $450,000 each year.

His advice is geared towards experienced bloggers.

If you want to become a successful blogger, you must be disciplined. This includes your daily routine. In this book, Ryan shares basic habit-building exercises based on his experience. He hopes to guide you through developing the right habits that can enable you to write more efficiently and make this profession successful.

You can buy the book here. The book is not listed in popular stores, so there are no ratings here.

8. Influencer by Brittany Hennessy

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The next book on our list is Influencer, written by Brittany Hennessy. As the title speaks for itself, the book is about making your ground strong as an influencer on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Social media is a boon to product and content creators. As a content creator or influencer, you can exponentially grow your business and yourself. If you have a loving personality through your content on social sites, you can bring followers to your blog, boost your website traffic, and increase your earnings.

In this book, Brittany Hennessy focuses on female influencers. Though male and female influencers can use the tips shared in the book, it can be a detached reading experience for male bloggers.

The book has 1,272 ratings on Amazon. It scored 4.5 stars. One reader wrote, “I’ll recommend this book for all people who want to work in social media.” You can buy the book from here.

9. The One Hour Content Plan by Meera Kothand

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Only a writer can understand the pain of running out of content ideas and getting stuck. Luckily, this book can assist you in resolving writer’s block.

This book helps you generate new ideas, how to create content that pushes the reader to become a buyer, and has exciting tips and strategies to share.

The author promises to deliver content ideas for a year in one hour. You can read the sample version on Amazon and decide if you want to give the entire book a go.

The book is rated 4.5 stars by 659 readers on Amazon. A reader rated the book 5 stars and said, “I am an aspiring blogger, and this book just answered many of my queries regarding content strategy.”

10. Email Marketing That Doesn’t Suck by Bobby Klink

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Email marketing is one of the important methods to grow a blogging business. You can use it to deliver your writing gigs directly to your readers’ email accounts.

It is also one of the ways you can earn revenue by selling digital or physical products. Email marketing is beneficial but not very easy. In fact, at times, it can be contemptible, which is where the book can be helpful to you.

The book has been given a 4.8 star rating by 71 readers. One of the readers wrote, “This book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their email marketing results.”

11. WordPress for beginners by Dr. Andy Williams

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As the title states, the book is WordPress for beginners, so if your blogging site is WordPress or if you are planning to create your blog on WordPress only, then it can be of use to you or else you can skip to number 12 on the list.

WordPress is the best blogging platform. It has a learning curve, but it gets easier as soon as you get comfortable with the platform. The book shares tips on WordPress and the best ways to optimize your website.

The book got a 4.2 rating out of 5 and was rated by 303 readers on Amazon. One reader rated the book with 5 stars, saying, “It’s the first time I ever have used WordPress, but the book sincerely helped me a lot, so I feel a lot more comfortable using WordPress.”

12. Problogger by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett

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Both authors are highly successful bloggers and earn a great income from their blogging gigs, so you can be sure of the advice they share in this book.

In one sentence, the book will guide you through generating new blog ideas, setting up a blog site, optimizing it, marketing it, and generating revenue from it. The authors have also shared 20 ways to make your blog an income-generating, successful blog.

181 readers have given the book 4.2 stars. A reader gave five stars to the book, “Very good book which thoroughly explains the advertising benefits of blogging when used on a website.”

13. Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

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If you have a customer’s vote in your court, you have already won against your competition. For a successful product, check your conversion rate or if you are converting at all.

The author shows you proven methods to be a better storyteller for your brand and helps you transform your content marketing to give you a competitive advantage.

The book has been rated 4.7 stars by 6,885 readers. One reader said, “If you are selling, it’s good to know this approach.”

14. One Million Followers by Brendan Kane

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If you have plans to use social media to grow your blogging business, you must have One Million Followers on your reading list.

Brendan Kane is well known in the growth hacking space. He has helped big brands and celebrities like Taylor Swift, Rihanna, MTV, IKEA, and others to expand their digital platforms.

Brendan is someone who has the potential to make an object popular. He has shared his proven techniques to stand out on the digital platform in his book. You can learn from his advice and grow your digital presence as a blog creator.

1,604 readers have rated this book with 4.4 stars. A reader wrote, “This is a book about social media, written by someone with results and knows what he is talking about.”

15. Fire the Haters by Jillian Johnsrud

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The digital space is not all red and rosy. It comes with its own set of thorns. You may have experienced hate comments and dealt with “internet trolls.” They are the people who criticize you online, and when it gets nasty (and it does get nasty), it can take a serious toll on your mental health.

As a content creator trying to make a living online, you may need to get used to having nasty comments on your work. You must also learn how to deal with it without compromising your mental health. That is as crucial as anything else.

Apart from dealing with online critics, this book helps you get through the different roadblocks that come on the entrepreneurial path that weigh you down at times. This book is for your help dealing with the days you feel less motivated.

The book has a 4.4 star rating by 16 readers on Amazon. A verified purchaser wrote, “Reading Fire the Haters helped put a lot of my hesitations in perspective and empowered me with more helpful ways to perceive the bad actors online.”

16. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

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This book is the oldest on this list. You may have heard of the famous saying “Old is Gold.” Read this book if you plan to blog or are already blogging.

You can still refer to this book as it contains important basic concepts. Remember, you are not too modern to learn from this classic book about writing.

The average rating given by 5,274 verified purchasers on Amazon is 4.6 stars. A reader wrote, “For anyone struggling to get words on a page – read this and be consoled. It’s not as easy as you think, but it can be done.”

17. Everyone Writes by Ann Handley

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This book will bring different perspectives of different content to you.

It provides the best tips on creating content and advice on how well to write in all forms of writing. Handley helps you from the beginning to the end of your content creation journey.

The reviews given to the book are pretty good. 1,263 readers have rated the book with 4.5 stars. A reader wrote, “A ridiculously good book. Anyone who says otherwise probably doesn’t know the importance of building good content.”

18. SEO 2021 by Adam Clarke

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How can we discuss the best blogging books and not include a book that helps our blog rank in search engines?

This book contains tried-and-true SEO strategies that have helped many websites rank higher in search engines. You will learn how Google’s algorithm works, why keywords are important, and tips on link building and other related topics that will help you improve your blog’s ranking.

1,257 readers on Amazon have rated the book with 4.4 stars. A reader wrote, “Very helpful to business owners managing their SEO and AdWords account.”

19. From Nothing by Ian Pribyl

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This book focuses on everything from creating an online business to earning a profit from your online endeavor. The book has covered all the important aspects of online business that will help you make real money, such as affiliate marketing, blogging, and eCommerce.

A verified reader on Amazon wrote, “The right book to learn about online business.” The overall rating of the book is 4.5 out of 5 stars given by 122 readers.


That concluded our list of 19 best blogging books for bloggers to read. Let us know your thoughts on the article.

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